Monday 5 October 2009

West Coast Trip Part 3 - Meeting Milk Tray on the Boy Scout Trail

Giant Redwoods Northern California

A humbling experience. This is so you get the perspective.

It is difficult to do them justice

There was other "stuff".

I didn't take this first one...

We frolicked a bit too:

Four hours later and double this distance, Coyote Pack Leader and Mini HaHa emerged

to the call of the sea

The journey was briefly interrupted to capture these on film

You have to marvel at the US's capacity to unashamedly drop tack into the middle of natural splendour

I didn't realise we had travelled so far ....Trinidad.

Population 311, hotel bill $70. The additional cost was for the electric to used to pipe the Twin Peaks music perpetually.

The proprietor asked us if we would join them all in the bar later his left eye winking wildly..but I don't think he could help that.

Dinner in a Gordon blue restaurant and another sunset

Twin Peaks music heightened in volume and what with the dark, I made P enter the premises first not knowing if he'd be ripped to shreds. By the way we occupied the left half of this building.

Next morning I mean the place for breakfast

We whizzed in land temporarily, literally.

Then we were here but I can't remember where it was.

Furnished with sandwiches and rocket fuel coffee from here, where it paid not to look down near the sandwich counter or the bins juxtaposed to the nuclear coffee machine

It was time to hit the beach for some swimming...well it is California

I kept my vest on and that is the bravest smile ever as my feet were being amputated using cryogenic type techniques, there is none of me left where that picture ends.

Right that's enough let's just look at the sea

Milk Tray Man

Milk Tray Man about to dive in

To save a stranded seal pup

Milk Tray Man Fanzine observing........the lighthouse

The seaweed here is huge and the impact it has on the flow of the sea makes it quite creepy

We ended the day in Manchester population 361, hotel bill $62. And this being the motel it didn't look that promising and the mist rolling in AGAIN..

But then we wandered down a road to the sea and came across a little restaurant where you could sit on the deck and eating fish and chips and bread and butter pudding with the locals and this view.

Tomorrow we go upmarket.

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