Monday 5 October 2009

West Coast Trip 4 - The Final Leg

Manchester was bereft of breakfast, so out on the road again we considered the exotic

And time was moving on and given that I normally eat breakfast straightaway P was in danger of losing his right leg. So we stopped here

Guided to the Ansel Adams room, bear in mind we had not stopped in Mendocino because the B & B's were how much! Suspiciously we settled down to complimentary fresh orange the compliment being

"Cool understated tracksuit top... with distressed shorts - rock chick wealth"

and then it was too late when the menu came along %&^*&*&(*&^&^%%$%$%$

I selected chef's home made meusli which came in an egg cup. P called his investment banker to check the eggs were a goer.

Tucking into my egg cup... we were approached by a woman announcing

"It's not often we hear English voices so I thought I would come over. I am the general manager and I come originally from Newcastle then Somerset. I would check that we had a room for you to stay but I believe with the wives of the G20 summit here for a high end Ann Summers "pamper" party I know we are full."

So I made the last sentence up.....

PHEW bloody PHEW that mini breakfast was almost the same price as the rooms we had been staying in and not to forget the tip and we were amongst big tippers!!!!

And since when has meusli been HOT????? And I had to ask for toast which got me a dirty look since apparently croissant are de rigeur.

I think at the hotel ultimately you were paying for the view obscured by meterological conditions which even these residents couldn't control.

Chic Shabby Shed would you say???

Being the last full day we had a specific quest. The weather chopped and changed.

After a longer journey than anticipated we had one of those episodes which typifies our experience throughout the US, you can never be quite sure what you are going to get; sometimes you have a view in your mind and all the imagery affirms it and then it is

Point Reyes lighthouse. This to be fair has happened rarely but on this occasion; well look, even when we got down the steps P could almost touch the top and it wasn't even painted red and white!

But I now know everything there is to know about Frenelle lenses which disproved my theory that to spot the light based on the lighthouse height you would have to be within spitting distance of the coast and therefore already on the rocks or gripping to the fallen mast.

Anti climax over time to relax in our country dacha?!?!?

Oh OK accommodation just outside San Francisco population 808,976, bill $61.

This makes me sound churlish but I hope that the last 3 blogs shows that we had had enough amazement to make a vertically challenged person explode so it was probably a good idea to have a relatively quiet end not to forget the culinary high in Sausalito where I had the most exquisite pudding of limoncello and organic strawberry "isa creem" nestled in a cross between panetonne and sponge.

Even San Francisco bridge was muted in the .....MIST

But as the postcard would say wish you were here.

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