Monday 3 December 2007

Catching up II - Boston 2 - Would you Adam and Eve It

And back on the road again for another dull colourless journey to our next destination - Mount Washington and Franconia Notch National Park

We stopped overnight in the middle of nowhere literally since Mt Washington was back through most of New Hapmshire heading for the Vermont border.
Here we bought freshly picked apples putting our money in an honesty box. You knew they were freshly picked because really quicky aftre you start them the creamy white flesh turns brown.

One of my favourite films is The Bridges of Madison County so we had to follw the signs for a covered bridge.

US road signs leave much to be desired but this takes you to the next extreme, for those of you who came after "old money" this may not seem amusing....

And here is our first view of Mt Washington

We couldn't go all the way the 8,000 feet because the roads were blocked by ice and snow. As you would expect Mount Washington has the worst weather in the world (the US does not own the Arctic or Antarctic), three storm systems mdo converge at the top though.

Marlene Dietrich (I want to be alone) meets Jimmie Crankie

The descent was gloomy and boring:

There has been no photoshop interference or airbrushing of any kind on this one..Ansel Adams eat your heart out (not).

And it goes on

Now here is the tall story from the short person but there is photographic evidence to prove it is true. You know when you see someone or you think it's them and you spend 10 minutes deciding whether you should make a pratt of yourself because this is the most unlikely place to meet someone from your circle of acquaintances ..a girl from the Arts Institute Bournemouth, sitting in the cafe at the bottom of MT Washington. She took photographic evidence as proof, put in a request to the SITS forum if you do not believe me.
So where do we go from here (I don't know Mr David Essex???)...well Diana's Boudoir (or something like that can't quite remember. Just tucked away near Franconia's Notch (ooh missus). Ignore the smut and let me try to redeem myself with a couple more artistic shots:

Peter Pan and Wendy

History Lesson next.

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