Monday 3 December 2007

Catching up 1 - Boston 1 - The fall was not so colourful this year...

I don't have much to say on this (wow I hear the collective gasp). The pictures I think say it for themselves but a brief itinerary and the rest will be concise labels (well as I set out to write it that is the intention....).
So we start off with a flight to Boston Massachusettes, drive out of Boston for first night in Portsmouth, New Hampshire where there is a Naval shipyard but we took photographs of Mary Mary Quite Contrary

And here is something else they copied

This is very rich territory with trendy cafes and boats coming out of your ears but all in a very clipped and restrained sort of way. The motto for New Hampshire is Live Free or Die.

The scenery in the crisp fall sun is energising after the dust and heat of Texas

For the record it was here that I tasted Grey Goose Vodka for the first time mixed with cranberry juice..I was always torn between bringing that or rum back from Jamaic..suffice to say the rum wwas the better choice since I would not want anyone of my friends to drink it and then have a moose on the bar wall talk to them as it did to me.
Day 2 is driving up through New Hampshire continuing our trend for property acquisition, I could have gotten (hahaha) this one but discovered there was a risk of Bushism from just up the road in Kennybunk where apparently there is a seasonal infestation of the extended family.

Then on up through the Maine Coastline.

A good 6 hours later we were getting an eerie sunset

near our destination for the day..Bar Harbor which lives in Arcadia National Park (as visited I believe as Alcatraz). It was dark when we arrived but this was the view we woke up with:

For the rest of the pictures, there is nothing to say really except the odd one or two comments.

Bloody tourists....

The colours are crap aren't they

We waved across the Atlantic from this view but you weren't looking...

I had an artistic moment:

And so to Day 3 and Mount Washington
PS Just kidding about the moose talking to me ...
It talked to everyone.

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