Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Desert Minx Part 2 – Mind the Gap

Having left Cher in the rollers at Caesar's Palace - the first stop of the road trip and what this domestic goddess always says when called upon to prove her status

And the salesman climbing wall sample

I feel a ghost busters moment coming on

Nevada gets the dam but Arizona gets the best view of it

 And look how ickle the boats are

I would only go if I had to go

And our first glance of non-human related wildlife and I was so excited because he was huge I succeeded in achieving blur and slightly off centre, but I kept it because of the size of it in relation to the car!

And then our first sight of GC which happens to be at sunset wowowowowowowowowo

Riona has her first experience of camping since aged 13


And because I could never truly capture the scale ….where’s ermmm

Yes that it P and Riona

I should explain that we had decided to do the walk from Grand Canyon Village to Hermits Rest along the North Rim, 12 mile round trip.

And yes there is a river down there, a mile down there, straight down

Skimmed, semi skimmed and full fat……..

There you go I said there was a river down there

 And again to try to give perspective

Can you see it now?


It was 10 degrees up for the time of year (late September)

Are you getting the gist?

You can’t help clicking

It’s just a river that did this….

And 4 and a half hours later and completely out of food and water….

The bus back took 30 minutes….

Day 2 we go the other direction…….

By car

Where the wildlife demands water with menaces (not from us)

The Don Corleone of the Sciurus carolinensis family keeps a watchful eye

And watches the mad nephew move in for the protection snack.

It is our plan to go down and it is stated you need a day to do it ….I am quietly cultivating a back thing but have the excuse that I am stopping to take perspective pics

On a 3 and half feet wide common path with a thousand foot drop why would you put yourself another 3 feet up in the air on something that does not speak your language and even if it did would probably refuse to oblige…

The only bit of shade

We arrive and Riona decides to not mind the 2000 ft gap to reach her perch

Rock branch, branch rock

The stones mark the path and that is what it is like for the last half a mile….fortunately the sun has moved round.

Another perspective shot

What I think is going to be my last picture ever, other than that in the autopsy report and just as flattering ….we had only done a mile there and a mile back (not a straight down mile...to the river)

Another pesrepctive shot from the top, after I had been resuscitated, spot the man again..

Day 3 and our parting shot

on our way to Canyonlands. Now they tell me

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