Sunday 18 April 2010

San Antonio hosts the first Billy Jean King lookey likey Convention

Well we needed a rest after out last big trip but still wanted some of the great outdoors. The Hill Country and San Antonio only 6 hours drive away. Two nights camping 1 night in a hotel.

Easter weekend hmm only one night available in any campsite unless we want to go back country and carry our tent. Well maybe someone won't turn up.

Aah this is the life..we settle down for evening

Other than being warm it feels like an Easter weekend near Aysgarth

The joy of camping with Texans is that the get insecure when more than 15 feet from their trucks so very soon you are alone and can enjoy

 Now the Pedernales Falls:

It looks harmless enough doesn't it but you are not allowed to paddle or swim at this point because flash foods arrive in about 7 minutes when there has been rain upstream and do stuff like this:

Then there is the charge of the Light Brigade

Yes that is a real pith helmet...

Time to get back to base camp to see who hasn't turned up.

Drat and double drat...ok pick up thee tent and walk. The primitive campsite is two miles behind me, just below that hill, which the Texans like to overegg with the name Wolf Mountain:

If you have been following this blog you will already be aware of the professionalism of our camping set up. Having been advisors on a variety of survival programmes we set off with our 5 man tent, sleeping bags, his and hers camel pack, flask of tea, a nestle's milky bar, two cereal bars and torch. It is boiling hot so do we bring fleeces and

When we get to the primitive "remote" back packing site, all the other out of staters who didn't believe Texans could leave their trucks are also there.

We set up in the dark, sip tea and hum the theme tune to the Milky Bar kid.

Sleep, perchance to dream, forsooth do I hear the dulcet grunts of a large four footed animal relieving of himself outside our meagre abode. How cruel is that domino effect that doth put a damsel in urinary distress when the night hath become cold and dark and she is without cape and hat. She will hang on, and hang on, and hang on and hang on.

Oh bu....r it's no good.

Morning at last and a two mile hike up the hill, bacon and mushroom butties never tasted soooooo good. And tonight in a hotel.

It was nice going back to San Antonio which was the first place we visited when we arrived in Texas.  Then life got confusing and I was also reminded why ees no good drinking Margaritas at 2 in the afternoon. Every woman started to look like a man and not just any man but a man that was possibly a woman and not just any woman but a woman that looked like Billie Jean King...Then  I sobered up and everyone was like that! 

It was the Women's High School Basket Ball Teams Reunion - class of 72.   I  am not keen on matching his and hers ski jackets but hers and hers matching sneakers, bobby socks, bomber jacket, khaki shorts, varicose veins and iron grey razor cut doesn't do it for me either....

Fortunately I soon became distracted by a beautiful evening and dinner sitting here next to the river, it could almost be Venice.

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